Acestream for Raspberry Pi (armv7)

I have made a Github repository for acestream engine extracted from official APK:

You can download latest version here:


If you have not yet registered in Acestream, you can do it here:

Installation instructions:
1. Unzip latest release to /opt/acestream

2. Edit androidfs/acestream.engine/acestream.conf: change –login and –password

3. Run /opt/acestream/acestream.start


Copy acestream.service to /etc/systemd/system
Enable service to run at boot and start it: systemctl enable acestream; systemctl start acestream

2 thoughts on “Acestream for Raspberry Pi (armv7)

  1. Hi!

    I’ve been years using your workaround to make Android acestream work on armv7 (rpi 3), and it’s been working wonderfully.

    Recently, they’ve upgraded to version 2, and with it, python 3.8 is bundled. Also, it seems that the apk structure is somewhat changed, and the script to build the chroot environment no long works. I’ve been playing around but I am no expert, and did not get it to work.

    I believe an update of this tool would be a marvelous contribution to the acestream user base.

    • It’s been quite a while ago I mirrored that repository, I am also not an expert in Python chrooted build env.
      Can’t promise, but I might take a look at it some day..

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