Zabbix 2 CheckPoint SNMP template

I have created Zabbix 2.x Template for monitoring CheckPoint products via SNMP.
This template utilizes custom CheckPoint MIBs that are located on SecurePlatform OS in $CPDIR/lib/snmp/

You can also download CHECKPOINT-MIB file here (from R75 version):

You need to copy this file to your Zabbix server, into directory /usr/share/snmp/mibs
To test new MIBs, run a snmpget command as follows:

SNMPv2: [code]snmpget -v2c -c -Of CHECKPOINT-MIB::svnVersion.0[/code]
SNMPv3: [code]snmpget -v3 -l authpriv -u -A -X -Of CHECKPOINT-MIB::svnVersion.0[/code]

This command should return the product version: = STRING: “R75.40”

Download links for Templates:


SNMPv2 template will try to link standard Zabbix’s Templates:”Template SNMP Device and Template SNMP Disks.

SNMPv3 template will try to link my own SNMPv3 Zabbix Templates: Template SNMPv3 Device and Template SNMPv3 Disks.

You can get these SNMPv3 templates from here

Zabbix 2 SNMPv3 device template

Zabbix comes with predefined SNMP Device Template, that is configured to access devices with SNMP version 2.
Here is modified version of 3 Zabbix’s templates for use with SNMPv3.

Zabbix SNMP v3 Template

It will add 7 new templates:

Template SNMPv3 Device
Template SNMPv3 Generic
Template SNMPv3 Interfaces
Template SNMPv3 Disks
Template SNMPv3 Processors
Template SNMPv3 OS Linux
Template SNMPv3 OS Windows

Download: zbx_SNMPv3_template.xml

To add this new template to your Zabbix, press “Import” button on templates page and select the xml file.

Template uses following macroses:

{$SNMP_SECNAME} – SNMPv3 username
{$SNMP_AUTH} – authentication password
{$SNMP_PRIV} – encryption passphrase

These macros have to be defined on hosts page:

Configuration – Hosts – <host using SNMP v3> – Macros – Add

Iptables configuration examples

As Linux systems become popular, it may be used as gateway in small networks.
This is the case when iptables – standard Linux firewall will come in handy.

You can easily set up simple NAT-ed network with few simple command lines.

Basic syntax: iptables -t *table* *command*

-L – list rules
-F – flush all rules
-A – add rule
ex: iptables -t *table* -A *chain* *rule*
-D – delete rule

For example: iptables -t *table* -D *chain* *rule number*

To make current ruleset persistent, run:

/etc/init.d/iptables save

So let’s imagine we have a simple netork (at home), with a Linux host, Internet gateway (cable modem or similar) and a PC host (running Windows for example).

Continue reading

Nginx + SSL + PHP-FPM sample config

server {
listen 443;
root /d1/html/phpbb;

ssl on;
ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certificate.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private.key;

ssl_session_timeout 5m;

ssl_protocols SSLv2 SSLv3 TLSv1;
ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

location / {
index index.php index.html index.htm;

location ~ \.php$ {
include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
if (-f $request_filename) {
fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
