wget not working in cron

Please make sure that:

1. Cron is running (/etc/init.d/crond restart) – a bit obvious but worth a check

2. You specify full path to wget (like /usr/bin/wget)

For testing purposes you may paste this line to your crontab to make sure it’s working:

* * * * * /usr/bin/wget -O /tmp/index.php pingtool.org
This will save a copy of index page from pingtool.org to /tmp/index.php

Using flock to ensure only one instance of script is running

When you have a cron job that takes a while to finish, you need to be sure the next scheduled execution won’t come before completion of previous one. (For example you want file backup to finish before starting a new one).
Linux has one useful utility, that addresses this specific issue – flock.
/usr/bin/flock -w 600 /var/tmp/myscript.lock /root/myscript.sh
This will execute /root/myscript.sh only if previous instance of this script has finished.
Key -w 600 means that flock will wait for 10 minutes for previous instance of the script to finish, before aborting the execution.
You may want to put 0 here or omit the -w key entirely, so the script wait for indefinitely long time for previous instance to finish.

A bit better place for lock files is /var/run folder, however you may have to create a lockfile and give user write permissions for it before.

Adding new admin user to CheckPoint Gaia with expert permissions

To add a new administrator user account with “expert” prompt add following lines to configuration in the CLI shell:

add user NEWUSER uid 0 homedir /home/NEWUSER
set user NEWUSER gid 100 shell /bin/bash
set user NEWUSER password-hash $1$************ / OR / set user NEWUSER password
add rba user NEWUSER roles adminRole

Replase NEWUSER with new administrator’s login name.

This new account will login in “expert” shell and will not need to type additional password.
To access Gaia’s CLI shell user will need to execute /bin/clish

TGS – Tokyo Game Show 2012 – booth girls

This year i managed to visit famous computer game exhibition in Japan – Tokyo Game Show.
Even though it featured a lot of upcoming hot titles – like Resident Evil 6, new Metal Gear and Devil May Cry games, some other thing got most on my attention of my visit – Cosplay Booth Girls!!

Here I tried to get most attractive one’s for you to enjoy!